Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm So Happy

Hello People;
I am so happy, I asked mommy to help me send a letter to Ellen.  I watch her on TV alot.  She is so funny,
she makes me laugh.  I dance when she dances.  She makes me laugh so much.  I send letter to her to help me to make money to help  I told mommy, do you think she will write me back?  Mommy says, I
do not see why not, if you are sincere and I want to help other kids like me, she would be crazy not to hear me.  Mommy says she is proud of me for wanting to do something to help other kids.  Doing nice things for others is a good thing.  I am going to hand write a list of ideas to earn money for research and education for pediatric stroke (  I want kids at school to learn more about kids with stroke.  Us Hemi kids are not weird, we are good kids we just need med's.  I play the same as they do.  I like Nintendo like other kids.  I ride my bike, I play with bubbles.  I jump rope.  I chase my cat.  I am a good kid.  I just have a hard time with learning, writing, remembering stuff.  I just need more help with stuff.  I am going to go right now
before it gets dark and go outside and play.  Bye Bye  

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